Lawley Primary School

"Planting the seeds, growing the future"

iPads at Lawley

The use of technology to enhance learning experiences is at the heart of our school. All pupils from Year 2-6 have 1:1 iPad devices which they use throughout the curriculum as well as at home, and EYFS and Year 1 children have access to a class set of iPads for use in school.

In an exciting project, 1:1 devices were introduced to Year 3 pupils at Lawley in 2015. The subsequent years have seen the growth and development of the scheme which now allows all pupils in Years 2-6 to have their own iPad.

In our opinion, the use of these devices has led to increased motivation to learn with pupils becoming more creative, independent, interested and engaged with their schoolwork. This is the case at school and at home where uplifts in engagement with homework and remote learning have also been noted.

Pupils use their devices to access daily resources for lessons both at school and at home, create, present and share work. We use the online platform Showbie to enable this collaboration. Teachers have adapted and furthered their practice and teaching styles to ensure the maximum benefit for the children from the devices, enabling pupils to work at their own pace, move through learning independently to allow increased challenge where appropriate.

Pupils at Lawley also receive feedback and marking through Showbie. Teachers are able to provide handwritten, text based and verbal feedback on specific pieces of work which is instantly accessible by pupils. Pupils are able to communicate with staff through Showbie meaning that a supportive, open and individual dialogue is available to all learners. In addition, parents are able to view their child’s work and feedback on a daily basis giving them immediate information on the progress of their child as well as the opportunity to give them targeted support them at home.

1:1 iPads also support different learning styles and abilities making them a perfect learning tool for SEN students. Students who ordinarily struggle with traditional ways of accessing and presenting knowledge now not only have more options, but can use the same device as everyone else and are not set apart from the rest of the class. Mobile devices enable students to present information so that it is easily understood, providing a more accurate picture of their abilities and progress.

For more information on our iPad scheme, including parental contribution information please click on the e-learning link below or contact the school office.

iPads at Lawley in Years 2-6

Please click the button below to sign up to our iPad Project.




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