Lawley Primary School

"Planting the seeds, growing the future"

Assessment in maths

In mathematics pupils demonstrate their learning in every lesson. To monitor pupil’s attainment and progress, internal school data is collected 3 times a year and is based on class teachers’ formative assessment as well as summative assessment results. Pupil voice is carried out alongside book monitoring to examine the day-to-day view of maths in the classroom and review children’s learning and progress.

Formative assessment happens regularly and is achieved through targeted questioning during lessons, observations of pupils, review of work and discussions. Lesson starters are used to continually revisit key skills and knowledge taught previously and offer the opportunity for teachers to assess pupil’s attainment and progress regularly. Continual assessment of mental math progress is a integral part of both the Mastery in Number and Number Sense programmes

Summative assessments are used by teachers at the end of each term in every year group, with Years 2 and 6 completing the national curriculum tests. In EYFS we carry out teacher assessments against our progression document at the end of each term. We also complete a baseline assessment in line with government guidelines.