Home/ school communication:
You are able to contact the teaching staff directly via email or through the school office.
[email protected] [email protected]
School telephone number 01952 388410
PE days:
Both Reception classes have PE on a Wednesday. The children will need to come in wearing their PE kit. Forest School activities will be in the afternoon so children will need to bring a pair of wellies (which will stay in school) and a waterproof coat to pop on in the afternoon.
All children take home a pack of resources in Week 2 to support with their learning at home. This will have helpful hints, sound mats and other useful resources. All these resources can be found on Showbie, our online learning platform. More ideas/sheets will be added each half term.
The children are expected to read at least 4 times a week and a comment made in their reading diary. Reading books are sent home weekly on a Wednesday. On the Reading Diary will be a login for Bug Club for you to access our online reading platform.
Entering and leaving school:
Children will enter through the glass doors at the end of Ironbridge block, off the main entrance pathway. The gate will be opened at 8.40am. Registration is at 8:55.
Children in Reception class will be dismissed through the same gate.