Lawley Primary School

"Planting the seeds, growing the future"

Morning Routines

Children are expected to come into school independently, organise their belongings in the classroom and settle quickly to begin their day. Maths work begins immediately which is why it is important that children are punctual.

Home/school communication

You are able to contact the teaching staff directly via email or through the school office. The majority of lesson resources are available for you to view on Showbie.


[email protected]

[email protected]



PE lessons are on a Tuesday and Friday. We ask that PE kit is worn to school on these days.




Your child has access to an online platform called SATs Companion.  SATs Companion is to be used for homework.

The expectations for homework using the Practice section on SATs Companion are as follows:

20 minutes per week Maths.

20 minutes per week English.

20 minutes per week Reading Comprehension (shown as 'Reading' on the platform).

It is also essential that your child reads at home every day. Reading will make the biggest difference to the progress your child makes this year. The minimum amount of time that should be allocated to this is 20 minutes each day. Please record home reading in their Showbie reading diary - please encourage your child to do this for themselves!

We will check in school each week that homework has been completed and there will be half termly rewards for those that are consistent.


End of the day routine

Children will be released from the classroom doors at the end of the school day. Pupils who have been given permission via Parentpay will be allowed to walk home alone.