Lawley Primary School

"Planting the seeds, growing the future"
Morning routines
Now that children are in Key Stage 1, there is an expectation that they will be more independent and they will be expected to come into class on their own, with their belongings. They will need to get into the routine of placing their belongings into their locker, and their labelled water bottle in the designated box. Packed lunch bags and boxes are to be placed in their locker at this time too. In the classroom, an EMA (Early Morning Activity) will be set and children will work quietly on this activity with the Class Teacher while the Teaching Assistant welcomes in the children.
Home/ school communication:
The Year 1 team are always happy to have short discussions and receive information about pickup times etc at the classroom door in the morning. However, if you require a more in-depth conversation, please book an appointment through the school office or email the class teachers directly:
Mrs Bennion: [email protected]
Mrs Willis: [email protected]
PE days:
Both Year 1 classes have PE on a Wednesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon. We ask that children come to school wearing their PE kits on both days.
Indoor kit: Black shorts and a blue Lawley PE T-Shirt
Outdoor kit: In addition to your child’s indoor PE kit, they will require jogging bottoms a sweatshirt/hoodie and a pair of trainers.
New spellings are handed out to the children on a Friday, to be tested on the Friday of the following week. The spellings will be words containing the graphemes being learnt that week in the children’s phonics lessons. Your child’s spelling test will be returned to them on the Friday so that they can share their results with you. A piece of Maths work linked to the Year 1 expectations will also be sent home on a Friday.
We cannot express just how important reading is and, in Year 1, we have the expectation that children will read at home to an adult at least three times per week. For this reason we have a reward scheme in place where children who achieve three or more reading sessions at home, and have been recorded in their diary,  receive a prize at the end of the half term. We also have Bug Club which is online based, where children are allocated books online with their reading colour. These can be recorded in the reading diary as well as or instead of hard copy books. We really appreciate your support in making this achievable for your child.
Reading books are given out on a Friday and collected in and swapped on the following Friday. We ask they read the same book several times, in order to develop fluency and increase pace. If you feel your child needs to read more than this one book issued, they can read as many books on their bug club account or any other books/newspapers/magazines/comics/road signs, etc. at home. Any reading is valuable, whatever it is!
End of the day routines:
Children are collected from the same classroom door that they were dropped off at in the morning. Please note that we can only send children home with their parents/carers, unless we receive a message in the morning or via the school office.