Lawley Primary School

"Planting the seeds, growing the future"

Morning Routines

Children are expected to come into school independently, organise their belongings in the cloakroom and come into class swiftly to begin their day. They then complete any feedback and corrections tasks from their previous day's learning and set up their school books for the day. Pupils then begin their maths starter work in preparation for the lesson whilst the register is being taken.


Home/school communication

You are able to contact the teaching staff directly via email or through the school office.

Mrs Kennedy:

Mr Taylor-Richards:


All lesson resources are available for you to see on Showbie.



PE lessons are on a Thursday and Friday. Please can children come into school wearing their PE kit on those days.



Homework is set on a Friday to be handed in by Wednesday. All resources needed can be accessed on Showbie. Comprehension work needs to be completed in their homework book and uploaded back to Showbie. Time homework is to be completed on iPad screens then a comment to let us know that the lesson is complete and ready to be marked. The children need to focus on learning multiplication times tables. They have Rockstars on their iPads to help with this. Any help that you can give to your child with homework is greatly appreciated!

It will really help your child to make excellent progress if you read daily with them. The children are expected to have their reading scheme book with them at all times and to change it independently. They are encouraged to do this each day and update their Showbie reading diary after every read. Please can parents also add comments to this diary in Showbie.


Spellings will be taught in school during our spelling sessions therefore children will not have individual spellings or be tested. 

End of the day routine

All year 4 pupils will be handed to parents at the main school playground gates at 3.15. Any changes to adults picking up pupils must be communicated to the school office or directly to the class teachers prior to collection time.