Lawley Primary School

"Planting the seeds, growing the future"
Welcome to Year 4 and what will prove to be a busy term. We are looking forward to working with your child and meeting you all. The class teachers for this year are Mrs Kennedy and Mr Taylor-Richards, and Mrs Swindell will be working with Mrs Kennedy’s class on a Tuesday. Should you have any concerns or queries, please feel free to contact us directly. 
Details of our curriculum in year 4 can be found in the long-term plans found on this class page. Remember, it is always possible to check Showbie on a daily basis to keep up with your child’s learning and the feedback they are receiving from their teacher. 
Children will be allocated a school reading scheme book if required and/or they are expected to have their own choice of book in school each day (if they are a free reader). 
As part of their weekly homework, children should be reading to an adult at home and having their online diary updated regularly during the week. Books do not have to be finished for the reading record to be signed. Reading records are regularly checked in school to make sure they are being regularly updated. It is still very important to read with your child even if they are now able to read confidently.  
Your child will already be used to using the Mirodo platform for their weekly Maths and English homework in Year 3, and as they move into Year 4, they will continue to complete homework on this platform. We expect all pupils to be using the platform each week to complete one Maths and one English task based on their learning in school. Once these tasks are complete, if they wish, your child can complete extra practise on the platform.   
Our PE days this term will be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit. 
In the Summer term, we will be off to Long Mountain for our residential. This is an excellent opportunity for all pupils to experience the great outdoors, camping with their friends and enjoying a well-earned treat at the end of the year. We are looking forward to this immensely.